Eliminate the HSE and its towers of Power in Dublin, that created 852,000 patients on waiting lists, by re-empowering local community, private, and public Hospitals with Managers having a Masters Degree in hospital Administration.
- All persons will have dedicated Health Insurance Account, that will be funded by a €40 per week contribution taken from general tax Revenue, and paid into a General Health Insurance fund. This will allow immediate access to emergency and surgical treatment within 3 days, that will be paid from the fund to the Hospital. Routine GP visits and treatment can also be paid from the fund. Patient right to choose Doctor and/or Surgeon , and form of treatment respected.
- Dept. of Health inspectors to have oversight on Hospitals to ensure meeting of standards.
- All doctors, consultants, to provide their own mal practice insurance.
- Incentive given for Irish Nurses and doctors to return home