Hi Guys,
This is an example of, and proof of the fact that, I have previously brought to everyones’ attention that under Rule 101 of the Courts of Justice Act 1924, any Court Rules made or changes (amendment) must be put before both Houses of the Oireachtas.
It was being done in the early days, but it appears, the Shower of Bastards in the Dail have not been doing the procedure for quite sometime.
I am digging, and I can confirm it is not being done lately (possibly 10 or more years).
Of Course, from the Dail Debates, it appears evident that Commencement order no. 1 for the Courts of Justice Act 1924 was never debated. This is strike no. 2 against the enforcement of the Act. We really need to mount a protest and civil unrest campaign over this Deception, and bring the whole system down.
I am preparing to raise all this in court or before Court on the 26th august 2020 in Court 4 at the Four Courts, in my mothers case.
Pat c