IRISH CONCENTRATION CAMPS ESTABLISHED in Irish Fashionalble Ltest Style by the Irish Parliament through Covid 19 legislation passed on the 20th March 2020.
Statuary Instrument no. 326 of 2020. Health Act 1947 (section 31A – Temporary Restrctions) (Covid 19) (No.4) regulations 2020.
What does it mean? Is it lawfully in force?
What must be done according to section 5 of the Health Act 1947, and what is not being done?
The TD’s are neglecting their duties to their constituents in regard to allowing no Parliamentary scrutiny of Bills and further neglect that resolutions annuling regulations are not being put forward by motion in regard to documents laid.
Regulation 326 is another form of lockdown in disguise.
Unless the Covid 19 Bill is repealed, new regulations can be drawn up at the whim of the Government. Protest plus direct action in terms of constant and continuos lobbying pressure against TD’s, with a general strike will work to repeal the Covid 19 laws.
Work through solidarity in regards to rights of conscientious and civil dissobedience to not obey what ammount to illegal orders.
No scrutiny for this forthcoming Criminal Justice (Enforcement Powers) (Covid 19) Bill 2020, that will allow forced entry of your home by relevant persons eg; Plainclothes Gardaí, imposter or Gardaí.
Wake up stupid people and assert your rights of civil disobedience, picket TD’s morning, noon and night.